Line, in an abstract sense, is an invisible threshold that is simultaneously thin and thick. Line sets up boundary, it also could be the opportunity for crossing. The project intends to investigate the meaning of line and widen the threshold across
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YBN-A-G100364 - THE LINE - 01.jpg
 Through its minimum footprint occupancy on ground and maximized 30m height on elevation, the exterior of the building resembles massive screen exhibiting the creative design process from NDU designers at all levels, that engages the city with an ope
YBN-A-G100364 - THE LINE - 03.jpg
 As digital tools are heavily relied in the present working environment of design field, we believe design creativity is more a process of interactive communication and mutual inspiration. Flexibility is largely encouraged by introducing uninterrupte
   Section A-A Thin Line
   Section B-B Medium Line
   Section C-C Thick Line
 The coexistence of the two seemingly contradicted spatial conditions - partition and openness, is common goal but more of a cliché in Le Corbusier’s Domino system in majority of office/institutional types of architecture.  In this project, we aim to
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