The project intends to expand the threshold between public and private to become a territory that embrace the Youngchuan countryside landscape. it also brings delicate subtly to the transition between interior and exterior, transforming singular poi
 The site is chosen at No.2 plot in Songgai village area that is situated at back of mountain and adjacent to public road. The toilet aims to create a public path that connects road system and lower side farmland by shaping the toilet as a focal poin
 The building physically transits heaviness to lightness by adopting stone material that defines adhesiveness to earth on the base and shifting to timber frame system and finally the thin metal panel on top. The gap between roof and burned timber wal
 Compost toilet system  The internal mechanism of the toilets relieves from septic tanks or sewer systems and adopt compost toilet system which decomposes human excreta organic matter and under controlled aerobic conditions the microorganism is carri
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