Characteristic of Natian flower fields is the culture established within the diverse nature that emerged from the man-made biological diversity and complexity. It is important to further investigate this sustainable interrelationship within contempo
 Legacy of Natian  The inherit mechanism of existing condition of the site is horizontally expanded and embodies sunlight, water, soil, plants, stone and other natural elements. Taking the site condition as a spatial prototype, our building is chosen
 The Folded Path  The site is situated in between multiple public pathways that run through the flower fields. It is also a spatial continuation of the elevated bridge which connects the site to a larger context. The architectural geometry folds the
 One Year, Four Season, Nine Scenes  The seasonally anchored activities further define the dialogue between the building and context, ranging from one day, through one month, one season and a whole year. Flower viewing and gardening serves as the fun
 Man-made Topographical Continuity  The visitor's experience begins with an exterior terraced flower fields that smoothly leads people from above grade to underground, the process of which gradually immerses the visitors into a series of adventures.
 Sectional Simultaneity  The monolithic structure and fragmented terraced planting fields creates a drastic contradiction in terms of the spatial integrity. But at the same time, it enables visitor to be aware of where they are through looking at the
 The giant atrium is where the interiority of the space reaches its peak dynamics. Visitor’s physical movements at both horizontal and vertical the associated with multiple layers of planting fields are simultaneously exhibited under the monolithic r
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